Opening files from the terminal in BAS dev spaces
In the comments to episode 4 of our back to basics series of live stream episodes on CAP, on the Hands-on SAP Dev show, there was a question on my use of code in VS Code, which, when invoked in the...
CAP is important because it's not important
In this post, I consider what CAP really is, what it gives us, and why we should consider it a fundamental piece of the puzzle in the cloud context and beyond. Update (08 Nov): This blog post is...
Coming Home
I first encountered SAP in 1987, where, fresh out of university and following an induction course for new graduates at Esso Petroleum in London, I started work in the Database Support Group, which...
Fiori App Data into a Spreadsheet? Challenge Accepted!
In October last year, following the original meta SAP Fiori App ;-), SAP announced their own long-awaited SAP Fiori Apps Reference Apps Library. At the time, Brenton and I chatted about it in “SAP...
Speaking at the SAP Architect & Developer Summit
Next month, in Sydney, the inaugural SAP Architect & Developer Summit is taking place, on the 20th and 21st of November. This is quite an exciting direction for an SAP event; yes, we have SAP...
This Week in Fiori (2014-36)
When you write a series of weekly posts, you’re acutely aware of how fast the actual weeks fly by. And this last one was no exception. Lots of movement and activity in the SAP Fiori world … let’s get...
This Week in Fiori (2014-32)
Here we are, another week into the new Fiori flavoured world, and as always, there are things to talk about and posts to mention. While it’s been a relatively quiet week there have still been various...
This Week in Fiori (2014-31)
Well, yet another week has gone by and we have new Fiori related content to consume. And I was reminded of that early this morning after seeing a tweet and a screenshot from Tony de Thomasis showing...
This Week in Fiori (2014-30)
Well what a week that was. I spent it in Portland, Oregon, which for me being a fan of great coffee and great craft beer, was a fantastic city to be in. It was in Portland that O’Reilly’s Open Source...
OpenUI5 Tutorial at OSCON 2014
This week finds me in Portland, Oregon, for O’Reilly’s Open Source Convention (OSCON), an amazing conference with a wonderfully diverse range of topics (over 20 of them). I attended OSCON as a speaker...
This Week in Fiori (2014-29)
I’m currently writing this episode of This Week in Fiori (TWIF) on a flight from Manchester via Philadelphia to Portland for O’Reilly’s Open Source Convention OSCON. It’s a super conference on all...
This Week in Fiori (2014-28)
Already a week has passed since my first post in this series and the Fiori related content is increasing. A lot of that is technical, as folks get to grips with the configuration and development...
This Week in Fiori (2014-27)
The interest in SAP Fiori and the User Experience (UX) renewal at SAP is growing week on week. Ever since the launch of SAP Fiori Wave 1 back in summer 2013, with 25 Employee Self Service / Manager...
OpenUI5 CodeTalk Links
I was honoured to be a guest again on SAP CodeTalk with Ian Thain. This time we talked about OpenUI5 - the open source version of SAPUI5, SAP’s UI development toolkit for HTML5. Here are the links to...
SAP UK & Ireland User Group Conference - Demo Jam!
The conference season for this year is almost at an end. But it’s not complete without the annual UK & Ireland SAP User Group Conference, held this year in Birmingham, from Sunday 24 to Tuesday 26...
Two tools for Gateway trial host nplhost
The SAP NetWeaver Gateway trial system is a great way to get your hands on all that OData and HTTP goodness. There are a couple of tools that I find myself re-installing when I build a new copy of the...
On Enterprise Geeks Podcast
Last month at SAP DKOM, where I rediscovered SAP’s Developer Connection, I bumped into an old friend, Craig Cmehil. Craig is one part of the Enterprise Geeks, a loose collective of geeks and hackers...
The Developer Connection: Connect Like Never Before
At SAP TechEd Madrid (November last year) I wrote about the Developer Renaissance, covering my interview with Aiaz Kazi from the Technology & Innovation Platform, and SAP’s re-focus on...
SAPUI5 Powered SCN Forum Finder
With the advent of the new SAP Community Network platform, people have been wondering where the old SDN forums have gone. To this end, there’s a very useful “Forum Finder for the New SCN” which...
New Omniversity Course Video!
As I mentioned earlier this year, we were going to create a new video for my course “Web Programming with SAP’s Internet Communication Framework” at the Omniversity of Manchester at Madlab. And we...
SAP ICF course marketing: video!
I dropped by Madlab and the Omniversity yesterday evening to see Hwayoung and Dave and talk about the upcoming Web Programming with the SAP Internet Communication Framework course in early March....
Over the years SAP has been slowly but surely turning itself inside out towards the wider, open community. Open as in open source, open protocols and open data. One facet of this long-term tanker...
SAP Developer Center
At SAP TechEd Madrid 2011 I stopped by booth 104 in the Technology Innovation area of Hall 10 after lunch and chatted to David Brutman, from SAP’s Technology and Innovation Platform Marketing. SAP...
Web Programming with SAP's ICF: new course dates
I’m pleased to announce that my 2-day Omniversity course Web Programming with SAP’s Internet Communication Framework is coming up again a couple of times in the first half of next year. SAP’s Internet...
Stand steady on the shoulders of giants
Or: Why you should attend my 2-day Omniversity course “Web Programming with the SAP Internet Communication Framework“ Last week I had the opportunity to attend an SAP Mentor Webinar on SAP Netweaver...
The past and future of SAP integration: guest Bluefin blog post
I was honoured to be invited to write the first guest blog post on Bluefin‘s website. To start the ball rolling, I decided to take a whirlwind history tour of data and function integration with SAP’s...
Not your father's SAP
I had the good fortune to be invited to SAP’s Innovation Weekend 2010 in Berlin, a pre-cursory hackfest and idea exchange in the two days prior to the main SAP TechEd event at Messe Berlin. Walking...
Mainframes and the cloud - everything old is new again
Cloud computing, virtual machines. It’s big business. Amazon has its Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) which provides “resizable compute capacity in the cloud“, Microsoft has Azure, providing “on-demand...
SAP and Google Wave - Conversation Augmentation
It's been pretty much six years to the day since I last wrote here about Dashboard, Nat Friedman's project and implementation of a realtime contextual information system. So I thought it fitting to...
Book review - SAP Business ONE Implementation
A short while ago I was sent a review copy of “SAP Business ONE Implementation”, by Wolfgang Niefert, published by Packt Publishing. On receipt, I skimmed through it, and my first impressions were...
Dealing with "#blogtheft" from SAP's Developer Network
Recently it has come to people’s attention that there is a website out there with a lot of very interesting content … which seems to have been completely “lifted” from the SAP...
Command lines of the future, and simplicity of integration
This is a bit of a hand-wavy post, but I wanted to get my thoughts down. Recently there’s been a spate of interest around interaction with devices, applications and systems ... via a chat-style...
'Coffeeshop' - lightweight HTTP-based pubsub
‘Coffeeshop‘ is a lightweight, REST-orientated HTTP-based publish/subscribe implementation that I’ve been working on for the last few days. It is a culmination of: an early and long-standing interest...
SAP everywhere!
I remember back in the ’90s joking with my friend Piers When I see the first book on SAP hit the bookstores, it’s time to move on :-) In those days there were no books on SAP, and I was still in...
SAP and Open Source: the debate continues
I wrote a blog entry on SDN almost two weeks ago entitled “SAP and Open Source: an analysis and letter to SAP and Shai“. It followed the flurry of comment that was made after Shai made some alarming...
Whither SAP?
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about where SAP is going and what SAP is doing today, especially in the light of where it went and what it did in the past. To be honest, the thinking has been...
Hacking the SAP service portal to make OSS notes better
Using OSS notes on SAP’s service portal is extremely cumbersome. I used Greasemonkey to hack the UI to make it a little better. I had written it up on my SDN blog: Hacking the SAP service portal to...
SDN, Blogging, and Planet SAP
In May I was approached by a chap at SAP in Walldorf who wanted to ask me some questions on blogging (I have a blog over on the SAP Developer Network) for an article he was writing for an SAP-internal...
SAP: temporary loss of touch with reality?
At this year’s Sapphire in Boston, Shai Agassi came out with some astounding and questionable views on free and open source software: “Open-source technologies such as Python and PHP, to name just...
Europe, SAP, and two-way conferences
It’s the end of the week that saw the SDN Meets Labs down in Walldorf. There was plenty of interest (apparently over 300 people attended, way more than in the similar event held in Palo Alto earlier...
SDN Meets Labs
Rain. Lots of it. And I drove through it all this morning, all the way down the A61, to get to SAP University in Rot, near Walldorf. I’m at the SDN Meets Labs event that’s taking place today and...
SAP TechEd here I come ... with session slides!
SAP TechEd is looming large, and this year it’s in Munich. (If you’re not in Europe, then SAP are holding TechEd events in Bangalore, Tokyo, and San Diego too). I went last year (in Basel), and was...
The integration irony of SAP's technology directions
I’ve finally realised what it is that’s been bugging me about the new arena of SAP technology. I’ve felt slightly uneasy, or unbalanced, by something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. From...
Hello, 2004
2004 is here. Neues Spiel, neues Glück. Although I’ve tried to avoid meta-blogging, I’ll make an exception this time. For whatever reason my blogging went quiet towards the end of last year. Work and...
Another great OSCON
Well, OSCON 2003 is over, and I guess all the attendees are more or less home by now. I got home on Monday night, after a detour to work in London. Tons of ideas and inspiration came forth during and...
From REST to URIs, the Semantic Web, RDF, and FOAF
Good grief. Anyway, this exploration is certainly opening more doors than it’s closing. Actually, that’s not quite right. It’s showing me new doors that I choose to go through. This one had FOAF...