Fiori App Data into a Spreadsheet? Challenge Accepted!

| 1 min read

In October last year, following the original meta SAP Fiori App ;-), SAP announced their own long-awaited SAP Fiori Apps Reference Apps Library. At the time, Brenton and I chatted about it in “SAP Fiori & UI5 Chat, 17 Oct 2014“.

Today there was a comment in the announcement post, asking whether there was “any way this information can be supported via a downloaded (into Excel perhaps)?  It would make sorting and filtering much easier“.

Seeing as one of the technical guidelines for Fiori apps is the use of an OData service to supply the domain data, and I had a bit of time over lunch, the well known phrase “Challenge Accepted!” floated into my consciousness.

With the power of OData, JSON, Google Apps Script and the generally wonderful cloud productivity platform that is Google Apps, I set to work, and within a short amount of time, the challenge was completed.

Here’s a video with all the details. The spreadsheet is here,

Share and enjoy!