The origin of becoming a fundamental enabler for Fiori
30 Days of UI5 — Day 30 by Sam Yen, Chief Design Officer, SAP Not too long ago, before Fiori was Fiori, SAP had tried several times to refresh the user experience. I’m aware of over 20 different UI...
Revisiting the XML Model
30 Days of UI5 — Day 29 by DJ Adams It’s been more than a couple of years since I first had a look at XML data in the context of UI5. In my “Re-presenting my site with SAPUI5” video I used an XML...
UI5 Version Info
30 Days of UI5 — Day 28 by DJ Adams Yesterday Peter Müßig from the UI5 team at SAP in Walldorf announced the multi-version capability for SAPUI5. He also documented the details in a post on the SAP...
A non-techie PM's view of UI5
30 Days of UI5 — Day 27 by Jon Gregory I’m mid-flight in my first UI5/Gateway project, working with a great team of developers who have all contributed to this 30 Days of UI5 series. As a non-techie...
UI5 - looking back and forward
30 Days of UI5 — Day 26 by DJ Adams It was in the spring of 2012 when I wrote this piece about the new kid on the block, SAPUI5: SAPUI5 – The Future direction of SAP UI Development? The fledgling...
The experimental Client operation mode
30 Days of UI5 — Day 25 by DJ Adams A few months ago a preview release of 1.28 was made available. In the blog post that accompanied it, a number of the new features were introduced. Without much...
An introduction to sap.ui.define
30 Days of UI5 — Day 24 by DJ Adams If you’ve followed this series you’ll have come across the OpenUI5 Walkthrough, a “a great multi-step walkthrough of many of the features and practices of UI5...
Taming the Resource Model Files
30 Days of UI5 — Day 23 by Nathan Adams UI5’s support for multiple-languages, out of the box (see the post “Multi-language support out of the box – UI5’s pedigree” in this series) is impressive and...
Merging lists with UI5
30 Days of UI5 — Day 22 by Chris Choy Whilst recently developing a custom UI5 app with an SAP PI backend, I came across some useful mechanisms. My aim was to merge 2 sets of data from 2 service calls...
Spreading the UI5 Message
30 Days of UI5 — Day 21 by DJ Adams Photo by Janina Blaesius If you’re reading this post, or this whole series, it’s very likely that you already know something about UI5. Whether that’s coming from...
Fragments and Minimum Viable Code
30 Days of UI5 — Day 20 by DJ Adams In an earlier post in this series, MVC – Model View Controller, Minimum Viable Code, I showed how you could write a single-file UI5 app but still embrace and use...
A Short UI5 Debugging Journey
30 Days of UI5 — Day 19 by DJ Adams In an earlier post in this series, entitled “The UI5 Support Tool – Help Yourself!“, we looked at the Support Tool, examining the information available in the...
UI5 and Fiori - The Story of Open and Free
30 Days of UI5 — Day 17 by John Appleby DJ kindly asked me to write a blog for his 30 days of UI5 series to celebrate version 1.30 of UI5. My immediate reaction was what, me, what do I have to add to...
UI5 and Coding Standards
30 Days of UI5 — Day 16 by DJ Adams At one end of the spectrum, coding standards can be regarded as essential. At the other, they’re the subject of many a passionate debate, second perhaps only to...
The UI5 Support Tool - Help Yourself!
30 Days of UI5 — Day 15 by DJ Adams Building anything but the most trivial native apps (that’s web native, of course) is not an easy ride. There are so many factors to get right. Debugging one of...
Speeding up your UI5 app with a Component preload file
30 Days of UI5 — Day 14 by John Murray In this post we’ll be looking at how you can speed up the load times of your UI5 applications by using a Component preload file. Those of you who are familiar...
Multi language support out of the box - UI5's pedigree
30 Days of UI5 — Day 13 by DJ Adams I was browsing through the controls that were new with 1.28, using the OpenUI5 SDK’s Explored app’s filter-by-release feature, and came across the Message Page...
Base Classes in UI5
30 Days of UI5 — Day 12 by Thilo Seidel Learning your way around UI5 can be hard sometimes. With the new tutorials and improved structure in the developer guide, help on the journey to UI5...
Handling Dates with the Date Picker
30 Days of UI5 — Day 10 by James Hale When creating applications, the experiences of the user should be one of the key considerations that drives build and development. One aspect of this is the way...
Bootstrapping UI5 Locally and in the Cloud
30 Days of UI5 — Day 9 by DJ Adams Like many developers who find themselves building a lot with UI5, I find my working environment is mostly a local one, supplemented by activities in the...
User Notifications with the Message Popover
30 Days of UI5 — Day 8 by by Sean Campbell Giving an end user good feedback regarding their interaction with the application or the application’s interactions with the back end has always been a bit...
The App Descriptor
30 Days of UI5 — Day 6 by Thilo Seidel Writing your component based applications in UI5 you might be familiar with a long list of settings in your metadata section making you scroll down for hours...
OpenUI5 Walkthrough
30 Days of UI5 — Day 5 by DJ Adams Explored, before its promotion. OpenUI5, like its twin sibling SAPUI5, has a great SDK. The SDK contains plenty of example code snippets, especially in the...
Creating Native Applications with UI5
30 Days of UI5 – Day 4 by John Murray Whilst web apps are great, and suit the vast majority of situations perfectly, sometimes they just don’t quite cut the mustard. It is in these situations that we...
Semantic Pages
30 Days of UI5 — Day 3 by DJ Adams (This book was a close companion in an earlier life.) My degree in Latin and Greek is not entirely without foundation or reason, and it provides me with at least a...
Expression Binding
30 Days of UI5 — Day 2 by DJ Adams The expression binding feature was introduced with version 1.28, and allows logic to be included directly in an embedded binding. It’s a very useful feature, but a...
Lightweight notifications with the Message Strip
30 Days of UI5 — Day 11 by DJ Adams The Message Strip is a nice new control with 1.30. It’s in the main (sap.m) library of controls, and for me, appeals because it bridges the gap between no message...
JavaScript Do's and Don'ts for UI5
30 Days of UI5 — Day 7 by DJ Adams In recent versions of the SDK you’ll find a new section called “Coding Issues to Avoid“. It’s great to see this take shape and start to become formalised. Some of...
Welcome to 30 Days of UI5!
30 Days of UI5 — Day 1 by DJ Adams UI5, the collective short name for both SAPUI5 and OpenUI5, is soon to reach a milestone, with the release of 1.30. There’s already a preview release available. The...
Fiori & UI5 Related Videos
I thought it would be worth collecting together a lightly annotated list of Fiori and UI5 public videos that I’ve published on my YouTube channel. (I say public, as there are quite a few OpenUI5...
OpenUI5 at FOSDEM 2015
I just returned from FOSDEM, the conference for free and open source software developers that’s held annually in Brussels. It’s a super event that has a long pedigree already, and has managed to...
Atom, Snippets, Tabs and CSON parsing
This morning on the train down from Manchester to Bristol I fired up the Atom editor and noticed that when trying to load a snippets file from my ui5-snippets package, I got an error: Between...
This Week in Fiori (2014-36)
When you write a series of weekly posts, you’re acutely aware of how fast the actual weeks fly by. And this last one was no exception. Lots of movement and activity in the SAP Fiori world … let’s get...
This Week in Fiori (2014-32)
Here we are, another week into the new Fiori flavoured world, and as always, there are things to talk about and posts to mention. While it’s been a relatively quiet week there have still been various...
This Week in Fiori (2014-30)
Well what a week that was. I spent it in Portland, Oregon, which for me being a fan of great coffee and great craft beer, was a fantastic city to be in. It was in Portland that O’Reilly’s Open Source...
Keyed vs Non-Keyed Root JSON Elements & UI5 Binding
In a screencast this week (OpenUI5 MultiComboBox First Look) I explicitly used the model mechanism’s requestCompleted event to get to the model data and manipulate it, adding a key to the root array....
OpenUI5 Tutorial at OSCON 2014
This week finds me in Portland, Oregon, for O’Reilly’s Open Source Convention (OSCON), an amazing conference with a wonderfully diverse range of topics (over 20 of them). I attended OSCON as a speaker...
This Week in Fiori (2014-29)
I’m currently writing this episode of This Week in Fiori (TWIF) on a flight from Manchester via Philadelphia to Portland for O’Reilly’s Open Source Convention OSCON. It’s a super conference on all...
SAP Mentor Monday on UI5 - Links
Today I was privileged to host a public SAP Mentor Monday on UI5, with Andreas Kunz as special guest. This is a collection of links that were mentioned in the session. Session The recorded session is...
OpenUI5 CodeTalk Links
I was honoured to be a guest again on SAP CodeTalk with Ian Thain. This time we talked about OpenUI5 - the open source version of SAPUI5, SAP’s UI development toolkit for HTML5. Here are the links to...