Impromptu JS session at UKISUG15
We’re hearing a lot about Fiori at #UKISUG15 this year, of course. Many of you (perhaps especially those reading this) realise that Fiori is built using the power of HTML5, and specifically with the...
Speaking at SAP TechEd EMEA 2015
I’m looking forward to a packed set of days next week in Barcelona, where SAP TechEd EMEA 2015 is taking place. It’s packed in many ways: so much to share, so much to learn, so many people to meet...
Creating Native Applications with UI5
30 Days of UI5 – Day 4 by John Murray Whilst web apps are great, and suit the vast majority of situations perfectly, sometimes they just don’t quite cut the mustard. It is in these situations that we...
Expression Binding
30 Days of UI5 — Day 2 by DJ Adams The expression binding feature was introduced with version 1.28, and allows logic to be included directly in an embedded binding. It’s a very useful feature, but a...
JSON List Binding and maps
This morning, on a long train journey up from near Reading to Barnsley, I was hacking on a UI5 app. I had a custom module to munge some JSON data into the shape I needed, and was binding the items...
This Week in Fiori (2015-14)
Well hello again, this episode is brought to you from my woodstore at the bottom of the garden, where it’s actually warm enough to sit outside for the first time. The birdsong is prominent, I guess...
This Week in Fiori (2015-12)
Greetings! Last week saw the return of the This Week in Fiori series, with a video from me and Brenton. More on that video shortly. Before last week, the previous episode had been in October last...
This Week In Fiori (2015-11)
Well hello again and welcome to TWIF readers old and new alike. Last year I started the “This Week In Fiori” (TWIF) series looking at news, events and articles in the Fiori world. The last post...
Why I'm Staying Close to UI5
I recently came across an article by Greg Donaldson – “Why We Are Staying Clear of SAPUI5“. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I do like challenges to assumptions and the status quo, so I...
Speaking at Mastering SAP Technologies
Next week I’m travelling to Johannesburg, to attend and speak at the Mastering SAP Technologies conference. It’s a great honour to have been invited, and I’m excited at the prospect of the topics...
Fiori & UI5 Related Videos
I thought it would be worth collecting together a lightly annotated list of Fiori and UI5 public videos that I’ve published on my YouTube channel. (I say public, as there are quite a few OpenUI5...
Morning Fiori Fix
John Moy tweeted today about the Fiori App Reference Library showing duplicate entries recently. It’s something I’d noticed too, after checking the app following the publication of information on SCN...
OpenUI5 at FOSDEM 2015
I just returned from FOSDEM, the conference for free and open source software developers that’s held annually in Brussels. It’s a super event that has a long pedigree already, and has managed to...
Atom, Snippets, Tabs and CSON parsing
This morning on the train down from Manchester to Bristol I fired up the Atom editor and noticed that when trying to load a snippets file from my ui5-snippets package, I got an error: Between...
This Week in Fiori (2014-42)
Well hello again, I’m back. I couldn’t miss the most significant week number, now, could I? :-) And next week I have something special for you — the TWIF episode will be written by a guest author....
Speaking at the SAP Architect & Developer Summit
Next month, in Sydney, the inaugural SAP Architect & Developer Summit is taking place, on the 20th and 21st of November. This is quite an exciting direction for an SAP event; yes, we have SAP...
This Week in Fiori (2014-38)
Hello again, I’m back again after a week off TWIF, a week where I managed to participate in two great events in the north of England. First, on Sat 13 Sep there was SAP Inside Track Sheffield,...
Scratching an itch - UI5 Icon Finder
There are a huge number of icons as standard in the UI5 library, both in the SAPUI5 and OpenUI5 flavours. Here’s the Icon Explorer from the SDK. One of the problems I have is that when I’m looking for...
This Week in Fiori (2014-34)
Another week gone! I’m sitting in my “second living room”, North Tea Power, drinking a fab coffee and sifting through the Fiori related articles that came to my attention this week. And just this...
This Week in Fiori (2014-31)
Well, yet another week has gone by and we have new Fiori related content to consume. And I was reminded of that early this morning after seeing a tweet and a screenshot from Tony de Thomasis showing...
This Week in Fiori (2014-30)
Well what a week that was. I spent it in Portland, Oregon, which for me being a fan of great coffee and great craft beer, was a fantastic city to be in. It was in Portland that O’Reilly’s Open Source...
Keyed vs Non-Keyed Root JSON Elements & UI5 Binding
In a screencast this week (OpenUI5 MultiComboBox First Look) I explicitly used the model mechanism’s requestCompleted event to get to the model data and manipulate it, adding a key to the root array....
OpenUI5 Tutorial at OSCON 2014
This week finds me in Portland, Oregon, for O’Reilly’s Open Source Convention (OSCON), an amazing conference with a wonderfully diverse range of topics (over 20 of them). I attended OSCON as a speaker...
This Week in Fiori (2014-29)
I’m currently writing this episode of This Week in Fiori (TWIF) on a flight from Manchester via Philadelphia to Portland for O’Reilly’s Open Source Convention OSCON. It’s a super conference on all...
This Week in Fiori (2014-27)
The interest in SAP Fiori and the User Experience (UX) renewal at SAP is growing week on week. Ever since the launch of SAP Fiori Wave 1 back in summer 2013, with 25 Employee Self Service / Manager...
SAP Mentor Monday on UI5 - Links
Today I was privileged to host a public SAP Mentor Monday on UI5, with Andreas Kunz as special guest. This is a collection of links that were mentioned in the session. Session The recorded session is...
OpenUI5 CodeTalk Links
I was honoured to be a guest again on SAP CodeTalk with Ian Thain. This time we talked about OpenUI5 - the open source version of SAPUI5, SAP’s UI development toolkit for HTML5. Here are the links to...