Scratching an itch - UI5 Icon Finder

| 1 min read

There are a huge number of icons as standard in the UI5 library, both in the SAPUI5 and OpenUI5 flavours. Here’s the Icon Explorer from the SDK.

imageOne of the problems I have is that when I’m looking for an icon, the search term I have in my head is not necessarily going to match up with the name of the icon in the library.

For example, I might be looking for a “cog”, with the icon on the left in mind, but I’m not going to be able find it unless i use the term “action-settings”.

And in the light of the session I gave this weekend at SAP Inside Track Sheffield on “Quick & Easy Apps with UI5″, where I focused on single-file apps, albeit with full MVC, I decided to hack together a little smartphone-focused app where I could search for icons, and add my own “aliases” so that next time I searched, the search would look at my aliases too.

It’s a very simple affair, and in this first version, is designed to use the localStorage mechanism in modern browsers so that you build up your own set of aliases. Perhaps a future version might share aliases across different users, so that we can crowdsource and end up with the most useful custom search terms.

Anyway, it’s available currently at and you can grab the sources from the Github repo (remembering that the whole point of this is it’s a single-file app!).


Here’s a short screencast of a version of it in action:

Let me know what you think – is it useful? In any case, share & enjoy!