Functional programming resources
I've created quite a bit of FP related content in the past but it's somewhat scattered across different platforms and in different formats and I can't remember what or where it all is. So this is a meta post in which I point to all the resources (that I can remember that) I've created on the topic.
Blog posts
I've published a few posts about functional programming on this blog, which you can get to via the fp tag. Here are a couple of examples from that list:
F3C - A FunFunFunction Companion Series
(Oct 2016) There's a great video series on functional programming by Mattias P Johansson ("MPJ" for short) on his "Fun Fun Function" (F3C) channel, and I wrote a series of posts to accompany the episodes, on higher order functions, map, reduce, closures, currying, recursion and more.
Functional programming - baby steps
(May 2017) There's a lot of talk about functional programming these days. Some of the language seems impenetrable at first - immutability, first class functions, functions as values, and so on. If you're a programmer versed in more mainstream approaches, how do you start on the functional programming journey? Here's how I started, perhaps it will work for you too.
Presentations and documents
Learning by Doing - Beginning Clojure by Solving Puzzles
(Presentation, 21 Mar 2016)
I gave a talk at Manchester Lambda Lounge on my early days looking into Clojure, a modern Lisp that bridges into the Java ecosystem. I wrote an abstract for the talk which was: "I'm teaching myself Clojure, because awesome. In this talk, I'll relate some of my experiences in trying to discover how natives speak, by tackling puzzles in Project Euler and Advent of Code. If you're a Clojure beginner too, or even if you're not, this might give you some confidence in taking a similar journey; if you're more experienced, it might be a comedy half hour. Either way it will be fun". Also available as a PDF.
DEV219 Building More Stable Business Apps with Functional Techniques in JavaScript
(Presentation, 08 Nov 2016)
This is a session I gave (as an external) at SAP TechEd 2016 in Barcelona, and then later that same month at UI5con in Eindhoven, as "An Introduction to Functional Techniques in JavaScript for UI5". Also available as a PDF.
Functional Programming for your UI5 Apps - Hands-On Worksheet
(Document, 21 Jun 2018)
I wrote this detailed worksheet document to accompany my UI5con 2018 session "Functional Programming for your UI5 Apps". Also available now as a PDF. The talk slides are also available as a PDF.
Taking the next steps in functional programming
(Document, 01 Feb 2020)
These are notes I wrote for my remote talk at SAP Inside Track Bangalore 2020. I shared them anyway as folks can use them to follow along and repeat the steps themselves. My talk was recorded and is available to watch online. Also available as a PDF.
Functional programming introduction: What, why, how?
(Presentation, 05 Mar 2020)
This was a presentation I gave at the Architecture Forum at IBSO in Manchester. It has examples of core functions in Haskell. Also available as a PDF.
SOT118 Functional programming - from LISP to JavaScript via Haskell
(Presentation, 31 May 2020)
These are slides for a presentation I gave at the remote-first "SAP Online Track" conference. The talk was recorded and is available to watch online. Also available as a PDF.