Digging into CSN diffs for CDS models
I wanted to increase my understanding of CSN a little by noting changes in it as I built up my CDS model, and ended up with a script csndiff to help me with that. To grok something complex, I try to...
Extracting blog post dates from URLs with jq
I had a JSON array of objects from a list of GitHub repo issues. Each object contained a blog post URL and a title. The URL had the post date embedded in the path, and I wanted to sort them all based...
Some notes on modular JSON Schema definitions
Here are a few rambling notes-to-self on understanding how a modular JSON Schema definition might be constructed. I've recently become acquainted with JSON Schema through the BTP Setup Automator...
Exploring JSON with interactive jq
I often use ijq, or "interactive jq", to explore JSON, and also to improve my jq fu, because it gives me immediate visual feedback. Here's an example. There's a wrapper around jq called ijq...
JSON object values into CSV with jq
I wanted to grab a CSV version of a JSON representation of an entityset in the Northwind OData service. Here's how I converted the JSON structure into CSV with jq, and along the way, I talk about...
JSON List Binding and maps
This morning, on a long train journey up from near Reading to Barnsley, I was hacking on a UI5 app. I had a custom module to munge some JSON data into the shape I needed, and was binding the items...
This Week in Fiori (2015-13)
Well, another week has gone by, which means it must be time for This Week in Fiori! The Fiori juggernaut continues to rumble on, and this week was no exception. Let’s get to it! Build Your Own SAP...
Fiori App Data into a Spreadsheet? Challenge Accepted!
In October last year, following the original meta SAP Fiori App ;-), SAP announced their own long-awaited SAP Fiori Apps Reference Apps Library. At the time, Brenton and I chatted about it in “SAP...
SheetAsJSON - Google Spreadsheet Data as JSON
This is a short post to explain how to expose a 'typical' Google spreadsheet (rows of columnar data, with first header row) as JSON, via HTTP. It might sound somewhat esoteric but believe me it’s...
#YRS2013 Hacks on Github
Well we’re in the midst of the Young Rewired State Festival Of Code weekend here at the Custard Factory in Birmingham and one of the amazing by-products of all the hacking is the power of Open Source...
Firebase and SAPUI5
I took a look at Firebase this weekend, approaching it within the context of the relatively new concept of “backend as a service” (BaaS) as exemplified by Parse and others. Add server-side storage to...
JSON and Other Animals - talk at Manchester jQuery Meetup
The Manchester Digital Laboratory (MadLab for short) is the arts-craft-tech gravity centre of Manchester, and our gracious hosts for the Manchester Google Technology User Group. Recently a new group...
Coffeeshop screencast: HTTP conneg, resource representations and JSON
After yesterday’s screencast showing the use of coffeeshop from the command line, here’s one that expands upon the direction I’m taking the implementation, following the REST/HTTP philosophy. It...
Tarpipe REST connector in 5 minutes
Tarpipe implemented a REST connector a short while ago. This is something that I and others have been wanting for a while now, so it’s great news. The announcement was quite short and didn’t have much...
Twitter's success
Yes yes, I know I’m late to the game, and everyone and his dog has given their angle on why Twitter is so successful, but I’d like to weigh in with a few thoughts too. The thoughts are those that came...