Best practices for mobile reporting
To put together a mobile reporting solution, there's a lot to consider. In this post, we show you how to start off and remain on the right track to deliver a solution that really works for your...
Reaching out to the new new kingmakers
Here's an insider's view from last week’s SAP Developer Advisory Board two day face-to-face meeting in Miami, USA. Here, the message was loud and clear: SAP's commitment to connect with developers...
Debugging SAP Fiori apps - the fifth "D"
It's all very well designing and building a delightful Fiori app. But what about the long tail - supporting that app through its lifetime, with fixes and changes that come along? There's a fifth...
Better collaboration through chemistry
Well actually it's not chemistry but I couldn't resist an oblique reference to a floppy disk album cover from 1996 (I'll leave you to work out to what I'm referring). I'm working alongside a client,...
The Fiori revolution - disruption at its best
SAP Fiori has heralded and enabled a revolution in the User Experience (UX) for enterprises the world over. There's plenty of disruption here that you can harness, disruption that will give you a...
Community and Collaboration at SAP Inside Track Manchester
Earlier this month, around 40 folks gathered for a two day event in Manchester's Northern Quarter for SAP Inside Track Manchester 2016. Read on to find out more about this event and others like it,...
Understanding the SAP Fiori Cloud Edition
The SAP Fiori Cloud Edition is upon us. What is it? How does it work, and what benefits does it bring? Find out answers to these questions, and more, in this overview of SAP's offering of Fiori in the...
Top 10 misconceptions about Fiori
As SAP Fiori matures as a concept, as a series of apps and as SAP's approach to UX across all its products, so grow the number of misconceptions about what it is, and what it isn't. In this post, I...
The SAP Fiori Launchpad as a dashboard for my running KPIs
I'm a hobby runner, and love stats. I've been experimenting with using the SAP Fiori Launchpad to surface some key performance indicators - literally! Read on to find out how I went about it, and how...
The evolution of the SAP community
This week, the new SAP Mentors Advisory Board has been formed, and I am very honoured to have been elected as a member. In this post, I take my own brief look at how the SAP community as a whole has...
The future of app building on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform
The SAP HANA Cloud Platform, or HCP for short, is multi-faceted, and you need to realise that now. Here's my take on one particular facet. Read on to find out what that is, and for a link to an...
Digital devolution in local authorities - putting people first
In a couple of weeks' time, Bluefin Solutions is running a one day event on delivering digital devolution in local authorities. If you look closely there's a clear user-centric pattern that is...
Celebrating the engine of the Fiori revolution - the 30UI5 ebook
Last month saw the milestone release of 1.30 of SAP's UI5 toolkit, the engine that is powering the vast majority of the Fiori User Experience (UX) revolution. For SAP TechEd 2015 we're releasing a...
Give me a browser, and I'll give you the world
With the cloud, not only are apps and systems going virtual, but also developer workflows. It might seem obvious in hindsight, but a Web-only developer workflow is possible right now, and it works....
The advent of UI5 1.30 and what it means for us
SAP's UI5 toolkit, the main technical foundation for SAP's User Experience (UX) revolution, has reached a milestone release. While 1.30 is just another step up from the previous public release of...
Building blocks for the future normal
S/4HANA is here. It's now. It's cloud ready, HANA powered, and has an awesome user experience in the form of SAP Fiori. SAP Fiori is powered by the UI5 toolkit. To successfully understand and embrace...
Can I build a Fiori app? Yes you can!
This started out as an essay as preparation for my keynote at Mastering SAP Technologies in Johannesburg, Feb 2015. I've split it out into two parts, the second of which will give you 10 tips to get...
10 tips to get you started on your Fiori development journey
A developer's journey to a new set of technologies is a very personal one, but there are definitely a few pointers that I can give you based upon my own experience. Following on from my previous post...
UI5 features for building responsive apps
To build a Fiori app, there are a number of considerations to take into account. One of these considerations is the responsive nature of the app; it should work on different devices (desktops, tablets...
The inaugural SAP architect and developer summit
I was honoured to have been invited to speak at the inaugural SAP Architect & Developer Summit which happened last week (20-21 Nov 2014) in Sydney. It was a fantastic event, mainly due to the...
Webinar and more - Understanding SAP Fiori
On Thursday 19 June, Brenton O'Callaghan and I hosted a free, hour-long webinar entitled "Understanding SAP Fiori". We followed it up with a "Director's Cut" deep dive video into...
The essentials - SAPUI5, OpenUI5 and Fiori
The SAP User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) revolution is truly underway. There are some tactical solutions out there, but the chief strategic solution that SAP is basing its UI/UX future on...
M is for 'responsive'
Even if you count the well-meant but ultimately misguided initial attempt at pre-smartphone mobile interactivity, in the form of WAP and WML, the rise of mobile focused activity has been nothing short...
Meta education - or teaching the teachers
I'm currently involved in a number of initiatives relating to our computational future, and am passionate about teaching coding and data skills to children (see below for some links). I have a great...
Our computational future
If you're reading this blog post, chances are that you're aware of, or directly involved in the Information Technology (IT) industry in the UK. Whether that's as a means to an end (you're a business...
SAPUI5 - the future direction of SAP UI development?
Update Jan 2014: Things in the SAPUI5 world have certainly moved on since I wrote this introductory article over 18 months ago, and all for the better. SAPUI5 is here to stay. It powers the SAP Fiori...
Project Gateway. A call to arms. Or at least to data.
Here I'll plot a brief history of SAP integration tools and technologies, and look forward to what Project Gateway promises: Uniform, resource orientated access to your enterprise functions and...