A simple jq REPL with tmux, bash, vim and entr
In this quick post I show a simple JSON dataset explorer that gives me a multi-line filter editor. When it comes to exploring and processing JSON data, jq is my goto language. And for exploring, I...
MVC - Model View Controller, Minimum Viable Code
30 Days of UI5 — Day 18 by DJ Adams The solid Model View Controller implementation in UI5 forces the separation of concerns. The logical place for models, views and controllers are files, in...
Running: 2014 in review, and some Clojure
I enjoyed running in 2014 and logged each one via Endomondo. This post is a random collection of thoughts about the running, the data and some simple analysis, in Clojure. Watches I’ve been using a...
Google Pocket Guide out now
I don’t think I mentioned it directly here (perhaps partly a cause and effect of the recent blogging hiatus) but the Google Pocket Guide has recently been released. Hurrah! It’s a book I worked on...