More Untappd data explorations with jq - my top ranking beer types (part 3)
This is a continuation of part 2 which you should read first. Part 2 finished with an array of category objects, each containing all the checkin ratings for that category, albeit in string form, with...
More Untappd data explorations with jq - my top ranking beer types (part 2)
This is a continuation of part 1 which you should read first. Part 1 finished with a count and list of categories of beer (IPA, Bock, Belgian Tripel, etc), produced from some jq in untappd.jq that...
More Untappd data explorations with jq - my top ranking beer types (part 1)
I've been exploring my Untappd data a bit more since analysing my top brewery countries, this time to see if my average ratings indicated anything about my preferred beer types. Here's what I've done...
Untappd data with jq - my top brewery countries
In this short post I explore my Untappd checkin data with jq, because it's a nice data set to practise my limited filtering fu upon, and also to get my blogging flowing again. I'm an Untappd...
Beer review: Dark Star's Saison
I was honoured to be asked by the folks at Port Street Beer House to review one of their cask beers, Saison, from the West Sussex brewery Dark Star. I went down last Saturday, received a pint, sat...