Automatic validation in OData and REST calls with CAP
There is automatic validation of data coming into CAP-based service endpoints. Up until recently, there was a difference on how this happened between "REST" and OData channels, but with the...
Accuracy and precision in language
If I suggest that an alternative title for this could be "Blog post, not blog!" you'll get a good idea of what this is about. Plus there's a bonus bit on how blogs, blog posts and feeds...
OData query operations and URL encoding the system query options with curl
You can use curl to send OData query operations with system query options that contain whitespace, and have it URL encode that whitespace for you. We're running an SAP Developer Challenge this month,...
A deep dive into OData and CDS annotations
In 2022 on our SAP Developers YouTube channel, I ran a series of live streams on the Hands-on SAP Dev show, where we went back to basics on OData. You can watch all of the episodes via this playlist:...
Summing and grouping values with jq
Here's yet another note-to-self on using jq, this time to transform a flat list of order totals and dates into a summary of total order values by year. In doing some research for an upcoming live...
Multiple level filters in jq
Here's another note-to-self on using jq to shape JSON representations of OData to match what's returned using system query options. Thsi time it's all filtering at two levels. In the Back to basics:...
Products by supplier in OData and jq
This is more of a note-to-self. I'm enjoying comparing resource requests in OData with the equivalent shaping with jq. Here's a simple example. With the Northwind OData v4 service there are Products...
JSON object values into CSV with jq
I wanted to grab a CSV version of a JSON representation of an entityset in the Northwind OData service. Here's how I converted the JSON structure into CSV with jq, and along the way, I talk about...
Monday morning thoughts: OData
In this post, I think about OData, in particular where it came from and why it looks and acts like it does. I also consider why I think it was a good protocol for an organisation like SAP to...
UI5 - looking back and forward
30 Days of UI5 — Day 26 by DJ Adams It was in the spring of 2012 when I wrote this piece about the new kid on the block, SAPUI5: SAPUI5 – The Future direction of SAP UI Development? The fledgling...
The experimental Client operation mode
30 Days of UI5 — Day 25 by DJ Adams A few months ago a preview release of 1.28 was made available. In the blog post that accompanied it, a number of the new features were introduced. Without much...
This Week in Fiori (2015-14)
Well hello again, this episode is brought to you from my woodstore at the bottom of the garden, where it’s actually warm enough to sit outside for the first time. The birdsong is prominent, I guess...
This Week in Fiori (2015-13)
Well, another week has gone by, which means it must be time for This Week in Fiori! The Fiori juggernaut continues to rumble on, and this week was no exception. Let’s get to it! Build Your Own SAP...
Fiori App Data into a Spreadsheet? Challenge Accepted!
In October last year, following the original meta SAP Fiori App ;-), SAP announced their own long-awaited SAP Fiori Apps Reference Apps Library. At the time, Brenton and I chatted about it in “SAP...
This Week in Fiori (2014-31)
Well, yet another week has gone by and we have new Fiori related content to consume. And I was reminded of that early this morning after seeing a tweet and a screenshot from Tony de Thomasis showing...