Command lines of the future, and simplicity of integration
This is a bit of a hand-wavy post, but I wanted to get my thoughts down. Recently there’s been a spate of interest around interaction with devices, applications and systems ... via a chat-style...
Google Wave, XMPP and complexity
Anil Dash provides food for thought in his post “What Works: The Web Way vs The Wave Way“. While I agree with him on the importance of the incremental approach to technology progression on the web...
Twitter's success
Yes yes, I know I’m late to the game, and everyone and his dog has given their angle on why Twitter is so successful, but I’d like to weigh in with a few thoughts too. The thoughts are those that came...
Ralphm on sjabber
I had a nice conversation with Ralph Meijer this afternoon; he had grabbed a very old program that I’d written — sjabber, a console-based Jabber groupchat client — because he’d been having some...
FOSDEM and Brussels, here I come!
I’ve been umming and arring over conferences this year. One that I don’t want to miss is FOSDEM – the Free and Open source Software Developers European Meeting, on a weekend next month in...
Dashboard, a compelling articulation for realtime contextual information
Miguel de Icaza and Nat Friedman were keynoting at OSCON this morning. It was a great talk about the Mono project and a cool demo of Dashboard. I managed to convey some of the presentation to the...
FOSDEM interview
(Transcript of an interview by Raphaël Bauduin for FOSDEM) Read how DJ Adams talks about Jabber ... It's Thursday, so it's interview time ! Today we receive someone who's name is now definitely...
What is a Jabber client?
"A rose is a rose, by any other name." But is the same true for a Jabber client? I don't think so. To answer this question, we first have to decide what a Jabber client is. To many, it is a...