Coffeeshop screencast: HTTP conneg, resource representations and JSON
After yesterday’s screencast showing the use of coffeeshop from the command line, here’s one that expands upon the direction I’m taking the implementation, following the REST/HTTP philosophy. It...
2nd coffeeshop REST/HTTP screencast
To follow on from the first coffeeshop demo screencast, I thought I’d make another. This time it’s to highlight the fact that coffeeshop is fundamentally a REST-orientated, HTTP-based pubsub...
Webhooks postbin example for Coffeeshop
There’s an interesting article “HTTP PubSub: Webhooks and PubSubHubBub” that covers working with webhooks and points to a great HTTP / webhook developer utility “PostBin“, which: “lets you debug web...
First coffeeshop demo screencast
To demonstrate some of the basic coffeeshop features, I put together a screencast, and after getting over the shock of hearing my own voice in the recorded voiceover (last time I chickened out and...
'Coffeeshop' - lightweight HTTP-based pubsub
‘Coffeeshop‘ is a lightweight, REST-orientated HTTP-based publish/subscribe implementation that I’ve been working on for the last few days. It is a culmination of: an early and long-standing interest...