The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time
I bought three books at Manchester airport yesterday. One of them was The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddon. I started reading it this afternoon, and have just stopped to...
Google Pocket Guide out now
I don’t think I mentioned it directly here (perhaps partly a cause and effect of the recent blogging hiatus) but the Google Pocket Guide has recently been released. Hurrah! It’s a book I worked on...
"A brilliant literary mash-up"...
… is a great way to describe, as Kevin Marks did, the fusion of Hogwarts and Molesworth by Alice Dryden, who describes it thus: Wot hapen when nigel molesworth, the curse of st custards, find himself...
'Practical RDF' book up for public review
Great stuff – Shelley‘s forthcoming book, “Practical RDF”, is going to be available for public review. I’m looking forward to...