A moment of clarity: The significance of RSS 1.0 as an RDF application

| 3 min read

Walking on the beach this morning (yes we’re on holidays) I suddenly had a moment of clarity. It may be obvious to you, but I’ve been struggling to see what the theme was that lay beyond the clutter of the investigations into RDF and RSS, the contemplation of namespaces and the various recent discussions on namespaces in comments to posts on Ben’s, Shelley’s, Sam’s, and doubtless others’ weblogs (all too much to keep track of).

I’d been contemplating what a namespace-aware XML parser for RSS 1.0 would look like, and how it would work in relation to the RSS modules. (Of course for Perl programmers, for example, there’s the XML::RSS parser on CPAN, which is namespace aware but relies on the RSS 1.0 namespace being the default namespace — in other words, if you specify a prefix for the RSS 1.0 namespace, say, “rss10″, rather than have it as the default namespace in the document, and prefix the RSS 1.0 elements with this prefix (“rss10:channel”, “rss10:item”, etc) then XML::RSS isn’t going to like it. But I digress…)

While namespace-aware XML parsing is indeed important, and namespaces are fundamental to RDF, the importance of handling namespaces correctly when parsing had clouded a question that I knew existed but hadn’t all the right words in the sentence, until now.

“What is the significance of RDF in RSS?” Actually, that’s not quite right.

While I’ve been looking at the RDF in RSS, I’ve been concentrating on the bits that ‘look like’ RDF — the stuff that I highlighted in bold in the example RSS (rdf:about, rdf:Seq, and so on). But it’s not as if there are some ‘bits’ of RDF in a format that’s RSS … the format RSS 1.0 is an RDF application. In other words, all of RSS 1.0 is RDF. The fact that it’s very similar to non-RDF RSS formats like 0.91 is of course an intended advantage. And the fact that the ‘transportable form’ that RDF takes is XML (RDF can be expressed in node/arc diagrams, or other forms such as Notation 3, or ‘N3′) also makes it nicely ‘compatible’.

“So what?”, I hear you ask.

Well, I’ve been wondering how complicated an XML parser (yes, a namespace aware one, but that’s not significant here) would have to get to support the plethora of RSS 1.0 modules available now and in the future. To be more specific, let’s take an example. Consider the creator property (element) from the Dublin Core (dc) module. The property is normally used by specifying a literal (a string) as its value, thus:

<dc:creator>DJ Adams</dc:creator>

But what about rich content model usage of properties? Consider the use of this property in the discussions of how to splice FOAF with RSS. Dealing with a new element from a defined namespace, where the usage is of the open tag – literal value – close tag variety, is not that difficult when parsing based on XML events. But what about this, which is based on one of the suggestions from Dan Brickley in the discussion and further discussed on the rdfweb-dev list:

<dc:creator> <foaf:Person> <foaf:Name>DJ Adams</foaf:Name> <foaf:seeAlso rdf:resource='...' /> ... </foaf:Person> </dc:creator>

Suddenly having to parsing this, as opposed to the simple ‘literal value’ example, is a whole new ballgame in state management (“where the hell am I now in this XML document and what do I do with these tags?”), and at least for this author, writing an XML parser to cope with all such data eventualities would be rather difficult in the context of XML-event based parsing.

But that’s just it. Considering an XML parser is missing the point. An RDF parser is more appropriate here. Looking at the structure of RSS 1.0 and the modules available for it from an RDF point of view suddenly made things clear for me. With RDF, the striped nature of the information encoded in XML is neatly parsed, regardless of difficult-to-predict hierarchical complexity, and translated into a flat set of triples (subject, predicate, object) that you can then interrogate. What you do with that information is then up to you.

There are many RDF tools, including parsers, listed on Dave Beckett’s RDF resource site. One of them is Redland, his own RDF toolset. Just before I bring this post to a conclusion, let’s have a look at what the RDF parser in Redland produces for the two creator examples earlier.

Simple literal value example gives:

{[//qmacro.org/about], [http://purl.org/dc/1.1/elements/creator], "DJ Adams"}

In other words:

    /--------  creator   +----------+     | qmacro |----------->| DJ Adams |     --------/            +----------+

Complex FOAF element structure example gives:

{[//qmacro.org/about], [http://dublincore.com/creator], (genid1)} {(genid1), [http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type], [http://foaf.com/Person]} {(genid1), [http://foaf.com/name], "DJ Adams"} {(genid1), [http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#seeAlso], [http://www.pipetree.com/~dj/foaf.rdf]}

In other words:

                                     type      /--------                                +-------------->| Person |                                |               --------/                                |     /--------  creator   /----------    name      +----------+     | qmacro |----------->|  genid1  |------------->| DJ Adams |     --------/            ----------/              +----------+                                |                                |               /----------                                +-------------->| foaf.rdf |                                     seeAlso    ----------/

(Whee! ASCII art RDF diagrams :-)

So what conclusion is there to draw from this bit of rambling? For me, it’s the emphasis on RDF, rather than XML, of RSS (and in fact the subtle relationships between those three things) that is significant in itself, especially when one considers the journey to data richness that seems to demand complex (and tricky-to-parse) XML structures. And what’s more, it’s not specifically RSS that wins here. It’s any RDF application.