A simple jq REPL with tmux, bash, vim and entr
In this quick post I show a simple JSON dataset explorer that gives me a multi-line filter editor. When it comes to exploring and processing JSON data, jq is my goto language. And for exploring, I...
Tmux plugin development with a local repo
This weekend I wrote a simple Tmux plugin, tmux-focus-status, mostly to learn how to do it, but also to modularise my Tmux configuration (perhaps organising chunks of configuration into plugins is a...
TIL - Two Tmux Plugin Manager features
I'm revisiting my working environment setup and configuration, which comprises, at its core, Bash, (Neo)vim and Tmux. This is essentially my IDE, or, to use a term I learned from TJ DeVries, my...
Improving my interactive jq workflow with ijq, bash and tmux
I'm a big fan of ijq and how it allows me to explore JSON data interactively with jq expressions. With a small script I have improved my workflow by being able to capture the jq expression from ijq...
Session switching with the tmux menu
Here's a way to get a simple session switcher in tmux using a popup menu. I was looking at Waylon Walker's tmux fzf session jumper recently, and really liked it, so much so that I dug into the...
tmux output formatting
Here's what I learned today about FORMATS in tmux output. This week I came across Waylon Walker who is doing some lovely learning-and-sharing on the topic of tmux, the terminal multiplexer. He has a...
New tmux panes and windows in the right directory
I finally got round to looking into how to be in the "right" directory when I create a new window or pane in tmux. Here's what I did. I've been starting multiple tmux sessions, one for each...