Learning from community solutions on Exercism - part 3
In this post I continue to dwell on small details in the jq solutions to Exercism exercises. It follows on roughly from parts 1 and 2. Remote Control Car exercise I was just checking through my...
Learning from community solutions on Exercism - part 2
In response to the first part of this series, in relation to the rabbit hole in the Vehicle Purchase exercise, Mattias Wadman kindly shared some variants using generators, which I'll reproduce...
Learning from community solutions on Exercism - part 1
There's a relatively new jq track on Exercism, and I've been working through some of the exercises. There are at least a couple of features that appeal to me; one is the ability to easily write and...
Bash notes 3
Another Exercism Bash track exercise, another opportunity to learn from the community solutions. This time I came across a few nice Bash language features that I'd probably known about but forgotten...
Bash notes 2
I looked at a couple of more solutions to another Exercism exercise in the Bash track - Scrabble Score. I was reminded of one particular feature of the case statement, and another solution was rather...
Bash notes
Here are a few things I learned, or re-learned, while reading through a neat solution to a Bash track exercise in Exercism. I completed a very basic solution to the Proverb exercise in the Bash track...
Exercism and jq
I wanted to see how a jq track might work in Exercism. Here's what I tried out this morning. Exercism is a great resource for learning and practising languages. I've dabbled in a couple of tracks and...
Case modification operators in parameter substitution
Today I learned that in addition to the usual ways of uppercasing strings, Bash 4 brought the addition of case modification operators to the parameter substitution family. Spending a pleasant coffee...
MID$ and shell parameter expansion
While perhaps misunderstood and potentially confusing due to the different options, the ability to access and manipulate values in variables in Bash is rich and varied. I've just set up Exercism on...