How I run executables in containers
Here's a quick post explaining how I might typically containerise an executable. This is in the context of my aim to not "pollute" my base OS (at the bare metal level) with any installs, as...
Migrating GitHub issue based URL bookmarks to wallabag
In this post I outline how I migrated my collection of reading list bookmarks, stored as issues in a GitHub repo, to wallabag which I'm now self-hosting. Background I use Miniflux for managing and...
Immutable layers, file deletion and image size in Docker
While I've been vaguely aware of the idea of immutable layers in Docker images, a recent presentation on Docker images caused me to dig a little deeper into how the immutability of these layers means...
Using lazydocker with SSH-based remote contexts
A quick hack to work around the current issue with lazydocker and SSH-based remote Docker context definitions. I've used the excellent lazydocker before, but only occasionally, reverting to the docker...
Using ARG in a Dockerfile - beware the gotcha
Today I learned about the subtleties of build arguments in Dockerfile definitions, specifically how the ARG instruction relates to - and is affected by - the FROM instruction. It's not entirely like a...
Using the docker CLI in a container on macOS
In this post I explain what I've done to be able to use the Docker client CLI from within a container on my macOS device. Dev containers I use dev containers everywhere. I hardly ever work outside of...
Setting up hadolint - a Dockerfile linter
Having something to help me write better Dockerfiles is useful. Here's what I did to set up a Dockerfile linter in my development environment. I'm writing more Dockerfiles, not least because I'm...
Remote access to Docker on my Synology NAS
Here's what I did to enable remote access to the Docker install on my Synology NAS. This post describes the steps I took to set up remote access to Docker running on my NAS, in the simplest and...