A return to the SDN community, and a touch of Javascript
A few days ago, Mark Yolton pointed out to me that this Friday, 30th May will mark 6 years since my first SDN blog post “The SAP/MySQL Partnership“, in SDN’s first month.
My oh my, how things have changed and progessed! We’ve seen the rise and rise of Open Source, the rise and fall of SOA, and the incredible improvements in connectedness and social collaboration in SAP events such as Sapphire & TechEd. Excellent.
Some things haven’t changed so much, though. I’m reading SDN in earnest again — especially the weblog posts. And guess what? The use of frames in SAP portal technology is still hampering basic usability. A particular case in point is bookmarking; I can’t usefully or easily bookmark a weblog post without some cut’n’paste gymnastics, because the page title is always the same: “SAP Network Blogs”. It should be the entry-specific weblog post title, so you don’t end up with 1001 bookmarks that you can’t tell apart.
Not to worry. A couple of Greasemonkey Javascript lines later, in the form of sdnpagetitle.user.js, (in the sdnpagetitle github repository) and things are fixed!
Funny, my last post before this one was OssNoteFix script updated for Greasemonkey 0.6.4 and Firefox 1.5 too!
Share and enjoy, and here’s to the next 6 years 🙂