Weblog happy in new home - note new URLs!
If you subscribed to my weblog via RSS and read it solely in RSS readers, you might have wondered what had happened recently when the RSS feeds disappeared. Well, it’s moved. I’m having a fresh start,...
Weblogs and Wikis - Blurring the Boundaries
Early this morning Rael‘s Blosxom plugin ‘wikiwordish‘ found its way to the plugin registry. And a very nice plugin it is too. It allows you to use ‘wikiwordish’ notation like [[this]] to point to...
'Conneg' and the duality of weblogs.
Q: When is a blog not a blog? A: When it’s an RSS feed. I’ve pondered the relationship between weblog and RSS before, and in an Old Speckled Hen-induced philosophical state of mind, have decided for...