Enabling document fragment links for headings in SAP Community blog posts

| 2 min read

I came up with a bookmarklet to allow me to get hyperlinks for pointing to specific sections of blog posts on the SAP Community platform.

I'm running the Developer Challenge this month and for that I have a central blog post:

July Developer Challenge - "Reverse APIs"

and a discussion thread for each individual task in the challenge, for example:

and so on.

Within the task discussion threads, I found myself wanting to refer to specific sections of the main blog post, so I could send the reader to a particular heading.

It turns out that each HTML heading element on that platform has a unique id. Here's a couple of examples:

part of the document, with the Chrome Developer Tools open on the Elements tab showing the ids for the two headings highlighted.

That means I can refer directly to the Making your service available to test section of the blog post, for example.

So I took a bit of JavaScript and some DOM inspection & manipulation functions to create a bookmarklet that adds fragment links to the start of each heading, in the form of hyperlinked # symbols.


  • identifies all the heading elements (from H2 through H6)
  • ignores any of those that don't have an id attribute

and, working through each of those:

  • makes sure I haven't already added a fragment*
  • inserts an a element with a relative link to the document fragment based on the value of the id attribute

* This is so I don't get multiple fragment links if I select the bookmarklet multiple times on the same page.

The copy/pasteable bookmarklet looks like this (add it in the URL part of a new entry in your Bookmarks Bar):

javascript:(function () {Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("h2, h3, h4, h5, h6")).filter(x => x.id).forEach(x => { if (x.firstChild.id != `fragment-link-${x.id}`) x.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<a id="fragment-link-${x.id}" style="color: lightgrey; text-decoration: none" href="#${x.id}">#</a> `)}) })()

Expanded to be a bit more readable, the JavaScript part inside javascript-prefixed IIFE (i.e. this: javascript:(function () { ... })()) looks like this:

Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("h2, h3, h4, h5, h6"))
.filter(x => x.id)
.forEach(x => {
if (x.firstChild.id != `fragment-link-${x.id}`) {
x.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<a id="fragment-link-${x.id}" style="color: lightgrey; text-decoration: none" href="#${x.id}">#</a> `)

Here's a quick demo:

document fragment bookmarklet demo

Share & enjoy!