For REST, read 'Architectural Style'

| 1 min read

In the swirling mass of memes surrounding web services (whatever they are) it’s sometimes easy to forget that REST is an architectural style, an approach, rather than something that you install or debug. If nothing else, it’s become useful as a framework in which I can think more clearly about web-based projects and their interfaces. Thinking in terms of a limited number of verbs (methods) with well-defined and widely understood semantics, combined with a set of ‘objects’ (represented by URIs) certainly helped me come up with a clear idea of what I should code, and how it should appear to the outside world, in a couple of recent projects.

What’s really interesting is that a pattern is emerging. The interface description table in my ‘working notes’ (aka final documentation :-) that I’ve written to describe the details of the latest project bear a remarkable resemblance to the table in the RESTful RT experiment and also the one in Joe‘s RESTlog interface. For each interaction, they each roughly show:

  • the HTTP verb
  • the URI
  • what the payload to be sent is (and its content-type) if any
  • what the expected response is (HTTP status and pertinent headers)
  • what the payload to be expected back is (and its content-type) if any
  • what possible error responses there might be

Incidentally, Piers (my partner in code crime) has just written about the client-end of one of the RESTful projects at work.

I discovered a nice RESTful bonus when doing the documentation too – I could link directly to the URLs of some of the services from within my (HTML/Wiki-based) documentation, to show examples. That’s turning out to be very useful.